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Reasons Why the Christmas Season is Dangerous for Drivers

Reasons Why the Christmas Season is Dangerous for Drivers

The Christmas season is an exciting time that brings a lot of love, laughter, and cheer. However, it is always a time that causes increased traffic, exponentially more travelers, and more significant threats of car accidents.

Perhaps the most dangerous time of the year for drivers is Christmas. We often fail to realize that most traffic accidents can be avoided if we take the necessary precautions. Below are some tips to avoid car accidents this Christmas and throughout the festive season. December is the busiest period of the year in terms of traffic. Traffic jams and accidents usually occur during the Christmas festivities.

Stay Alert

You must stay aware and alert. Avoid sleepiness and be attentive. Don't be distracted by anyone else in the car. One should never play with their phone while driving and make it a point to eliminate distractions before cranking your vehicle.

Leave Early For Your Destination

Leave early to avoid stress, which could cause you to make any wrong moves that may lead to an accident. It is advisable to leave before Christmas Eve and begin your travels before peak traffic times.

No Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol

There is no excuse for driving under the influence of alcohol. Such drivers are reckless, careless, and careless. There are many holiday parties around this time, and drunk driving-related accidents happen frequently. Always driver sober, or utilize ride-share apps, taxis, public transportation, or have a designated driver secured before departing

Car Accident Claims in Tennessee

At Witherington Injury Law, we've been helping clients deal with the aftermath of motor vehicle accidents in Nashville since 2014. Our award-winning attorney brings over 20 years of experience to the table, so you can trust us to handle any legal issues for you while you focus on your recovery.